Помогите срочно даю 80 баллов
5. Use the table below and make your own dialogue At the railway station Platform Time City London 5 Brighton 7 Total score 11.40 £12 9.30 £10 Price​


Ответ дал: Sadvokasaidyn201209


-Hey, i think im lost here.

-You got money?

-Yeah i used them to go here London.

-How u lost at railway station?

-I dont know, But i got 5£.

- Nice, now u should go to train 5 and u will get to Brighton

- Thank you!

-Uhm whats the time right now


-Okay i think 10£ is enough to buy some food.

-Hey i want a sausage in dough!

-Price is 10£

-Phew i got enough.

-Enjoy your meal


Phone rangs-

-Hey Where are you?

-Im at Brighton 7 around sausage shop.

-Okay well meet there. ..


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