Английский язык 2. Complete the sentences with the correct form of going to and the verbs in brackets. 1) A: What.......(the girls / do) next summer? B: They...... (travel) but they......(not be) away for more than a month. 2) A: (Paula/help) us organise the party? B: Yes, and she......(make) the cake, too. I...(not go) anywhere next weekend. I......(stay) at home and relax. 3) Su​


Ответ дал: valerikbulka457

A: What are the girls going to do next summer? B: They are going to travel, but they are not going to be away for more than a month.

A: Is Paula going to help us organise the party? B: Yes, and she is going to make the cake too. I am not going anywhere next weekend. I am going to stay at home and relax.

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