I Rewrite the sentences using the Passive Voice. 1. I have read a new article about environmental problems of our region. 2. A boy showed me the way. 3. The waves carried the boat away .. 4. The Great Fire of London burnt many houses. II Put the verb into the correct First Conditional form. 1. If we (have) holiday this summer, we 2. If the weather (not improve), we 3. If I (not/go) to bed early, I (go) to Spain. (not / have) a picnic. (be) tired tomorrow. 4. If (eat) all this cake, we (feel) sick. 5. If you (not want) to go out, I 6. If I (not/finish) my project, I (cook) dinner at home. (get) a bad mark III Complete the sentences with the correct tense form 1. How many cupboards. since yesterday? b) have they moved c) were they moving. a) did they move 2. While he a bike, a dog. him. b) rode - bit a) was riding bit c) was riding has bitten. 3. Fred didn't notice that Bob a) had come b) came c) were coming. 4. The Sun and we on the white sand. a) shone were lying b) was shining - were lying c) shined - lay. 5. Molly couldn't take part in sport competition because she her leg the day before yesterday. a) has broken b) broke c) had broken. срочно !!!!!​


Ответ дал: SergeyRumkin


1. A new article about the environmental problems of our region has been read by me.

2. The way was shown to me by a boy.

3. The boat was carried away by the waves.

4. Many houses were burnt by the Great Fire of London.

II First Conditional form:

1. If we have a holiday this summer, we will have a picnic.

2. If the weather does not improve, we will not go out.

3. If I do not go to bed early, I will be tired tomorrow.

4. If we eat all this cake, we will feel sick.

5. If you do not want to go out, I will stay at home.

6. If I do not finish my project, I will cook dinner at home.

III Tense forms:

1. How many cupboards have they moved since yesterday?

2. While he was riding a bike, a dog bit him.

3. Fred didn't notice that Bob had come.

4. The Sun was shining and we were lying on the white sand.

5. Molly couldn't take part in the sport competition because she had broken her leg the day before yesterday.

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