Оценить фильм на английском (фильм любой, слова 6 класса.) 10-15 предложенй


Ответ дал: vladimirbagatko

I think that megapolis is coolest film which i looked. That film has screamers, love, funny moments (all things which you can need in best film) . I think all need to view that film because this film is based film for kids. This beautiful scenes are coolest because at start its litte bunny which were bulled und then police officer which is the best in that megapolise. This bunny has one friend fox which will her best friend. Picture and editing of the film are on top and all scenes are best edited. Cool that in film has it many dance scenes too which can motivate everyone to whatch that coolest film i ever seen. This travel of this girl bunny was cool too it has so many changes on terrain. All actors have good played on their roles. The film is 1 + 1/2 hour long my reccomendation to whatch with family. And when i have whatched it i was interested.

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