I can’t do this Maths homework. It’s ________ (difficult) for me.
Colin’s school bag is ________ (heavy) in the whole class!
I’m not__________ (tall) to reach that shelf – sorry!
We wanted to get the bus into town, but we arrived ________ (late) to catch it.
Tom’s aunt is________ (good) cook I’ve ever met!
My younger brother is________ (big) than me!
My sister is________ (bad) than me at Geography.
This sofa is________ (comfortable) place to sit in our house.
I don’t think Jack is ________ (fast) to win the running race.
This film isn’t as ________ (exciting) the last one we saw.


Ответ дал: kvitkamarta56


I can’t do this Maths homework. It’s too difficult for me.

Colin’s school bag is the heaviest in the whole class!

I’m not tall enough to reach that shelf – sorry!

We wanted to get the bus into town, but we arrived too late to catch it.

Tom’s aunt is the best cook I’ve ever met!

My younger brother is bigger than me!

My sister is worse than me at Geography.

This sofa is the most comfortable place to sit in our house.

I don’t think Jack is fast enough to win the running race.

This film isn’t as exciting as the last one we saw.



direktor1000: Это точно правильно?
kvitkamarta56: Конечно, оно проверено уже.
direktor1000: Хорошо) Благодарю)
direktor1000: Извини если я тебя отвлекаю , но можешь пожалуйста помочь еще?...Я на своем аккаунте выставила еще один вопрос по английскому...Если не трудно помоги пожалуйста....
kvitkamarta56: Да, конечно
direktor1000: Благодарю)
kvitkamarta56: Готово
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