Task 3. Составьте правильно предложения (обратите внимание на знаки препинания)
1) must/listen/Children/to/their/parents.
2) Was/the/bank/built/ago/ten/years
3) was/The/book/by/their/daughter/read
4) It's/, may/the/l/window/close/, please/cold/here
5) week/the/museums/Were/by/visited/us/last
6) a lot of/sold/are/laptops/Nowadays/in/world/the

m636: Срочно у меня котроша даю 30 баллов


Ответ дал: aassqqhh
1) Children must listen to their parents.
2) The bank was built ten years ago.
3) The book was read by their daughter.
4) It's cold here, may I close the window?
5) Last week, we visited the museums.
6) Nowadays, a lot of laptops are sold in the world.

m636: Спасибо
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