S of al. B Choose the correct answer. 1 The train for London........ at 6pm. A departs B is departing 2 Margret....... when I ask her to help me! A always is complaining B was always complaining C is always complaining D always complains 4 That's 3 I... about going to Paris next week. A 'm thinking B think afford it? A pretty B fairly 7 5 Larry........ for h for a rest. A was driving B has driven C D is! A What B How an expensive has departed has been departing 9 Laura 6 ......... a woman on the phone who wants to talk to the manager. A It is B It looks like C have been thinking D have thought coat, Karen. Can you ******** C There is D There seems to be great the view from the top of the mountain C rather D quite before he decided to stop A to travelling B travel C has been driving D had been driving 8 There is a ........ drinks his coffee. A white, small, metal C small, metal, white B small, white, metal D white, metal, small a souvenir for her brother when she was in Paris yesterday. A have bought B had bought C So D Such table in the garden where James C bought D was buying 10 The boys are looking forward ........ around Italy in the summer. C travelling D to be travelling​



Ответ дал: illamihaile

1. A departs

2. D always complains

3. missing

4. A 'm thinking

5. C is driving

6. B It looks like

7. B fairly

8. B small, white, metal

9. A to travelling

10. C travelling

Ответ дал: bankiril871


1. A departs

2. D always complains

3. missing

4. A 'm thinking

5. C is driving

6. B It looks like

7. B fairly

8. B small, white, metal

9. A to travelling

10. C travelling


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