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50 баллов даю!!!

1.My father asked if the boys were going to buy some presents.

2. Mary asked the saleswoman if she had any dresses.

3. Susan asked if his brother could stay at the pool.

4.She asked if the principal was in the classroom.

5. The waiter asked whether we wanted to try traditional food.

6. We asked whether we were going downtown today

7.They asked if they had to bring presents to the party.

8. Andy asked if Mary could go to the party


Ответ дал: molodanalina


вроде так


1) My father asked, "Are the boys going to buy some presents?"

2) Mary asked the saleswoman, "Do you have any dresses?"

3) Susan asked, "Can her brother stay at the pool?"

4) She asked, "Is the principal in the classroom?"

5) The waiter asked, "Would you like to try traditional food?"

6) We asked, "Are we going downtown today?"

7) They asked, "Do we have to bring presents to the party?"

8) Andy asked, "Can Mary go to the party?"

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