Напиши 5 предложений на this

, that, those, thege


Ответ дал: mini185
1. This is the best day of my life.
2. This book is really interesting.
3. This apple tastes so sweet.
4. This movie is my all-time favorite.
5. This restaurant has amazing food.

1. Those flowers in the garden are blooming beautifully.
2. I can't believe she bought those expensive shoes.
3. Those children playing in the park look so happy.
4. Can you pass me those books on the shelf?
5. I love the smell of those freshly baked cookies.

1. I saw a bird in the park that had vibrant, colorful feathers.
2. The book that I read last night kept me engrossed until the early hours of the morning.
3. The car that I bought recently is incredibly fuel-efficient and has a sleek design.
4. My friend recommended a restaurant that serves the most delicious pizza I have ever tasted.
5. The movie that won the Academy Award for Best Picture was a powerful and thought-provoking masterpiece.

1. These cookies are delicious and freshly baked.
2. I can't believe how quickly these flowers bloomed in the garden.
3. These new shoes are so comfortable, I could wear them all day.
4. These books on the shelf are all part of my favorite series.
5. These photos capture the beauty of the sunset perfectly.
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