How __________________________________?

We travelled to the zoo on the train.

hat _________________________________?

We played football in the park.
Where ________________________________?

She was at her best friend’s house last night
When ________________________________?

I talked to Philippa and Ivan last night.
Who _________________________________?

I was with my grandparents at the beach.

7 Which ________________________________?

We watched the latest James Bond film yesterday.


Ответ дал: Пеппер

How did we  travel to the zoo?

We travelled to the zoo on the train.

What did we play in the park?

We played football in the park.

Where was she  last night?

She was at her best friend’s house last night.

When did I talk to Philippa and Ivan?

I talked to Philippa and Ivan last night.

Who was with my grandparents at the beach?

I was with my grandparents at the beach.

Which  film did we watch yesterday?

We watched the latest James Bond film yesterday.

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