1. I 2. My brother. 3. The boss 4. They 5. We- 6. I 7. John right now. (my car/service) by a vandal last month. (his bike/damage) next week. (our office/paint) as soon as possible. (the carpets/clean) recently. (a rose garden/plant) by the end of the week. (the kitchen/redecorate) every month. (his hair/cut)


Ответ дал: fafalk006



1. I had my car serviced by a vandal last month.

2. My brother will have his bike damaged next week.

3. The boss wants our office painted as soon as possible.

4. They had the carpets cleaned recently.

5. We will plant a rose garden by the end of the week.

6. I redecorate the kitchen every month.

7. John is having his hair cut right now.

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