Read the situation. What do say in each case
Eg: It's very cold out and your younger brother wants an ice cream cone.
→If you have an ice cream you'll get sick!
1. Your sister has an exam tomorrow but she isn't studying.
2. Your friend wants to buy a book but she hasn't got any money. Offer to lend her some.
3. It's raining hard. Your sister wants to go out.
4. Someone invited your sister to a party. You think she should but a present.
5. Your brother is jumping on the sofa. He may fall.


Ответ дал: dianamusaeluan05


1. You should really start studying for your exam tomorrow. It's important to be prepared.

2. I can lend you some money to buy the book if you'd like. Just make sure to pay me back when you can.

3. It's pouring outside, and I think it would be best if we stay indoors until the rain subsides. Let's find something fun to do inside!

4. It would be a nice gesture to bring a present to the party. It shows appreciation for the invitation and the host's efforts.

5. Be careful! Jumping on the sofa is dangerous, and you might end up hurting yourself. I suggest you find a safer way to play.

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