Нужно срочно решить

1. I don’t like _____when I’m delivering a speech.
A. to interrupt B. to be interrupting C. to be interrupted D. will be interrupted
2. The film _____ by the end of November.
A. is shot B. was shot C. will be shot D. will have been shot
3. Eddie _____ overtime yesterday, though he felt quite sick.
A. must work B. had worked C. had to work D. must worked
4. We ______ to have our laptop repaired as soon as possible.
A. must B. should C. could D. need
5. Jasper _____ swim when he was five.
A. could B. might C. should D. must
6. The clerk asked the visitor if he _____ to put his name on the waiting list.
A. phoned B. had phoned C. has phoned D. had been phoning
7. My brother suggested _____ about trifles.
A. not argue B. not to argue C. didn’t argue D. not arguing
8. Sally knew that the planets in the Solar system ______ round the sun.
A. goes B. go C. went D. were going
9. The neighbours stopped _____ after the argument.
A. talking B. to talk C. to be talking D. being talked
10. Polly decided to take a computer course _____ for her new job.
A. prepare B. prepared C. to prepare D. for preparing
11. She’s very independent by nature and avoids _____ anybody for help.
A. asking B. being asked C. to ask D. having asked
12. _____ books in the original is very important for future interpreters.
A. Reading B. To be reading C. They read D. Having read
13. The headmaster doesn’t let the students _____ jeans for school.
A. wearing B. be wearing C. wear D. to wear
14. My sister was made _____ the dog out.
A. take B. taking C. to take D. to be taking
15. If you _____ the beginning of the film, you would have enjoyed it better.
A. didn’t miss B. weren’t missing C. hadn’t missed D. hadn’t been missing
16. I wish he _____ to post the letter yesterday.
A. doesn’t forget B. didn’t forget C. hasn’t forgotten D. hadn’t forgotten
17. I _____ my mind if you had told me about everything honestly.
A. won’t change B. won’t have changed C. wouldn’t change D. wouldn’t have changed
18. If I were as clever as Nike I _____ a millionaire already.
A. will be B. were C. would be D. would have been
19. Which of the two boys is _____?
A. tallest B. the tallest C. taller D. the taller
20. Rachel was surprised because she _____ anything like that before.
A. hasn’t seen B. haven’t seen C. hadn’t seen D. didn’t see
21. Sheila has just told me her parents _____ back tomorrow.
A. come B. will come C. would come D. are coming
22. While Mum was washing the windows, Dad _____ in the garden.
A. was pottering B. pottered C. had pottered D. had been pottering
23. The tourists felt that the wind _____ harder and harder.
A. blew B. was blowing C. had blown D. had been blowing
24. Foreign languages _____ by the students in every university.
A. have been learnt B. are learnt C. are learning D. had been learnt
25. We can’t use the sport hall yet because it _____ by the end of year.
A. will have been finished B. will finish C. is finished D. has been finished
26. When I came into the laboratory, the results _____.
A. had already been obtained B. were already obtained C. have already been obtained D. already obtained


Ответ дал: profesor23476


1. C. to be interrupted

2. C. will be shot

3. C. had to work

4. B. should

5. A. could

6. B. had phoned

7. B. not to argue

8. B. go

9. A. talking

10. C. to prepare

11. A. asking

12. D. Having read

13. C. wear

14. C. to take

15. C. hadn't missed

16. D. hadn't forgotten

17. D. wouldn't have changed

18. D. would have been

19. B. the tallest

20. C. hadn't seen

21. D. are coming

22. A. was pottering

23. D. had been blowing

24. B. are learnt

25. A. will have been finished

26. A. had already been obtained


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