1 Who says they're getting better at what they do?
2 Who doesn't want to get a job doing the cultural activity they enjoy?
3 Who plays a musical instrument?
4 Who watches a lot of television?
5 Who talks about only being interested in one thing?
6 Who likes watching films about love?
7 Who says that receiving a present started their interest?
8 Who doesn't like reading books?
9 Who says what job their parents want them to do?
10 Who likes watching comedy films?


Ответ дал: RinYama


1. The person who says they're getting better at what they do could be someone who is actively working on improving their skills and seeing progress in their chosen field or hobby. It could be an athlete, an artist, a musician, or even a student who is excelling in their studies.

2. The person who doesn't want to get a job doing the cultural activity they enjoy might be someone who wants to keep their passion separate from their career. They might fear that turning their hobby into a job could take away the enjoyment or creative freedom they currently have.

3. The person who plays a musical instrument could be anyone with a love for music and the dedication to learn and practice an instrument. It could be a professional musician, a music student, or someone who simply enjoys playing for their own pleasure.

4. The person who watches a lot of television could be someone who enjoys keeping up with the latest shows, following their favorite series, or simply finding entertainment and relaxation through television programs. It could be a casual viewer or someone who is particularly interested in a specific genre or TV show.

5. The person who talks about only being interested in one thing could be someone who has a strong passion or obsession for a specific topic or activity. They might constantly engage in conversations about that particular interest and prioritize it above other areas of their life.

6. The person who likes watching films about love could be someone who enjoys romantic movies or films that explore themes of love, relationships, and emotions. They might find joy or inspiration in stories that depict the complexities and beauty of human connections.

7. The person who says that receiving a present started their interest could be someone who was introduced to a particular hobby or interest through a gift. It could be a book, a musical instrument, an art set, or any other item that sparked their curiosity and led them to explore and develop a passion for that specific area.

8. The person who doesn't like reading books could be someone who prefers other forms of entertainment or learning. They might have different interests or learning styles that don't align with reading books, such as visual or hands-on activities.

9. The person who says what job their parents want them to do could be someone who feels pressure from their parents to pursue a specific career path or profession. Their parents might have certain expectations or desires for their child's future and actively express their preference or influence their decision-making process.

10. The person who likes watching comedy films could be someone who appreciates humor and enjoys movies that make them laugh. They might have a preference for light-hearted and comedic storytelling, finding joy and entertainment in the comedic elements of films.

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