Choose the correct word. 1 There's somebody/everybody in the garden. 2 Would you like to go anywhere/somewhere quiet? 3 Someone/Everyone is welcome to join in. 4 He left without anyone/someone seeing him. 5 She has anything/nothing in her bag 6 There were spiders everywhere/anywhere.​


Ответ дал: scorpiodeusp71f99
1. Somebody
2. Somewhere
3. Everyone
4. Anyone
5. Nothing
6. Everywhere
Ответ дал: Аноним

Choose the correct word.

1. There's somebody in the garden. === В саду кто-то есть.

2. Would you like to go somewhere quiet? === Хоте ли бы вы пойти (куда-нибудь) в тихое место?

3. Everyone is welcome to join in. === Каждый может присоединиться.

4. He left without anyone seeing hem. === Он ушел, и никто не увидел его.

5. She has nothing in her bag. === В её сумке ничего нет.

6. There were spiders everywhere. === Повсюду были пауки.

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