3Put the verbs in brackets in the present simple or continuous. Then match the sentences to the pictures. 1. Alan 2. Today Lisa 3. Fred 4. My father 5. Frank 6. Brenda 7. My brother 8. Robert 9. Today Lisa foot. . (buy) his girlfriend flowers every week. (eat) chocolate because it's her birthday. (play) a baseball match this afternoon. (go) to the dentist once a year. (cycle) to town as his car is in the garage. (read) a letter from his boyfriend now. (surf) the Internet in the evening. (enjoy) drinking a cup of coffee every day. (go) to work by taxi but she usually ****** (go) on (talk) about school on their way home. (come) back home earlier. (wash) his hands before every meal. 10. Sue and Mary often 11. Today the kids 12. Jim​



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