составить 5 предложений по схеме: gerund+adjective+noun+preposition+adjective+noun+preposition+adjective+noun+is+adjective+noun+preposition+adjective+noun+preposition+adjective+noun.


Ответ дал: Davinchii


Reading interesting books on a rainy day is a relaxing way to spend your time.

Swimming in the clear blue sea is an invigorating summer activity.

Writing heartfelt letters to loved ones is a thoughtful gesture of affection.

Hiking through lush green forests is an adventurous outdoor experience.

Singing in a beautiful, harmonious choir is an uplifting musical performance.

Ответ дал: ruslanbacinskij31

1. Jogging early in the morning on the deserted streets of the city is an invigorating experience for the tired mind and body.

2. Swimming in the cool and clear water of the ocean is an exhilarating activity for the adventurous soul.

3. Dancing to the rhythmic beat of the music in the crowded hall is a thrilling experience for the passionate dancer.

4. Hiking in the rugged terrain of the mountains is a challenging adventure for the bravehearted explorers.

5. Playing football with the enthusiastic team in the muddy field is a satisfying accomplishment for the competitive player.

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