Writing 7th form ІІ semester
Увага, перші три завдання робимо в тестовій формі!
Task 1. Complete with the question tag
These wax figures are real,… ?
We went on a guided tour last summer,…?
London isn’t the capital of the USA,…?
Mary has been to the ODEON,…?
I don’t often go to the cinema, … ?
Task 2. Complete the sentence with proper reflexive pronouns
Can you pick up your toys … ?
Peter will go to Australia ….
The children washed their dog …..
I do the ironing … .
Task 3. Complete the sentence with who, which, where
Shreck is a film … has excellent computer animation.
Buckingham Palace is a palace … the King or Queen of the UK lives.
Christopher Wren is an architect …. designed St. Paul’s Cathedral.
Task 4. Make one sentence out of two using the Past Perfect Tense and the words in brackets.
He took medicine. Mark felt better. 9 ( after)
We cleaned the flat. Mother came home. (before)
Mother checked my temperature. Doctor arrived. (before).
She was at the dentist. Ann went to school. ( after)


Ответ дал: UmbradeScaal

Task 1.

- These wax figures are real, aren’t they?

- We went on a guided tour last summer, didn’t we?

- London isn’t the capital of the USA, is it?

- Mary has been to the ODEON, hasn’t she?

- I don’t often go to the cinema, do I?

Explanation: A question tag is a short question added at the end of a sentence to ask for agreement or confirmation.

Task 2.

- Can you pick up your toys yourself?

- Peter will go to Australia himself.

- The children washed their dog themselves.

- I do the ironing myself.

Explanation: A reflexive pronoun refers to the subject and is used when the subject and the object of a sentence are the same.

Task 3.

- Shreck is a film which has excellent computer animation.

- Buckingham Palace is a palace where the King or Queen of the UK lives.

- Christopher Wren is an architect who designed St. Paul’s Cathedral.

Explanation: Who refers to people, which refers to things, and where refers to places.

Task 4.

- After he had taken the medicine, Mark felt better.

- We had cleaned the flat before Mother came home.

- Mother had checked my temperature before the doctor arrived.

- After she had been at the dentist, Ann went to school.

Explanation: The Past Perfect Tense is used to talk about an action that was completed before a specific time in the past. In each of the sentences, one action is in the past perfect tense while the other is in the simple past tense.

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