Put the verbs in brackets into the
appropriate tenses to form sentences in
the 1st conditional.
1 If the weather... (
3 If we
4 Jason...........
5 If Joanna.
6 We................
(be) warm tomorrow, they......
(they/come) to your party if you ...........
(not/return) the DVD today, we
(go) on a picnic.
(stay) at Mark and Jane's house if he .........
(not/leave) work early, she.
(take) a taxi to the airport if there......
(invite) them?
(pay) a fine.
(go) to London.
(miss) the last train to Edinburgh.
(be) no buses running.


Ответ дал: mariadenisuk179


If the weather is warm tomorrow, they will come to your party.

If you don't return the DVD today, we will pay a fine.

If we stay at Mark and Jane's house, we will go on a picnic.

Jason will go to London if he doesn't miss the last train to Edinburgh.

If Joanna doesn't take a taxi to the airport, she will invite them.

We won't go on a picnic if there are no buses running.

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