a) however b) despite c) in case d) as 69. We tired. go out to a restaurant during the week because when we get home from work we're too a) nearly never b) hardly never c) hardly ever d) ever 70. That sofa comfortable. Can I try it? a) looks b) looks like c) is like d) like 71.1 a) don't have to b) couldn't c) don't d) mustn't 72. They've lived in that house a) for b) during c) since d) until 73. A lot be late for work this morning. I've got a lot to do before midday. they were children. to the house before we can move in. a) needs be doing b) needs done c) needs doing d) needs to do 74. I'll get an electrician the heating. a) mend b) to mend c) for mending d) mending 75. You come with us if you don't want to. a) must b) haven't to c) aren't supposed to d) don't have to 76. When he arrived a crowd for several hours to greet him. a) had been waiting b) is waiting c) has been waiting d) was waiting 77. She's just bought a brand new car so she be able to drive. a) can't b) must c) won't d) probably 78. You show your passport at the frontier if you want to get across. a) have to b) are supposed to c) should d) are allowed to 79. she was an hour late, she didn't apologise. a) In spite of b) Even though c) However d) Because 80. They don't like him at all. He treats them a) as if b) if only c) in case d) although they were children. ПОМОГИТЕ ПЖ ДАМ 30 БАЛЛОВ ​


Ответ дал: maksb170212

69. c) hardly ever

70. b) looks like

71. a) don't have to

72. c) since

73. c) needs doing

74. a) mend

75. d) don't have to

76. a) had been waiting

77. b) must

78. a) have to

79. a) In spite of

80. a) as if

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