66. Missing Verbs 2. Fill in the singular or plural form of the verb to be. To be felinin tək və ya cəm formalarını yazın. Используйте глагол to be в соответствующей форме. 1. Light athletics 2. Look, your trousers 3. The news a sport that develops the whole body. all dirty. most exciting. 4. Physics 5. Where 6. Billiards 7. The sky. 8. Last Sunday we 9. When it snows the trees 10. Ann my favourite subject. my glasses? a game. blue today, but yesterday it in the forest. white. at home now, but at ten o'clock she grey. at school. 1. Missi be felini пользуй This He Our fl He It My An 0. I​


Ответ дал: tsvigunizolda
Light athletics is (singular)
Look, your trousers are (plural)
The news is (singular), a sport that develops the whole body is (singular), all dirty (plural), most exciting is (singular)
Physics is (singular)
Where is (singular)
Billiards is (singular)
The sky is (singular)
Last Sunday we were (plural)
When it snows the trees are (plural)
Ann is (singular), my favourite subject is (singular)
my glasses? (No verb needed)
a game (No verb needed)
blue today, but yesterday it was (singular)
in the forest (No verb needed)
white (No verb needed)
at home now, but at ten o'clock she was (singular)
grey (No verb needed)
at school (No verb needed)
I am (singular)
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