ng NO 4 Angry idioms Use the following words to complete the idioms in the sentences below: enough death straw 1. Will you please stop interrupting? You're driving me 2. Will you shut up? You're really getting on nerves crazy my. 3. I've had just about...... of this. My train has been late every day this week. 4. Right, that's the last...... The food was cold, the wine was warm and now they've got the bill wrong. I'm going to call the manager and complain. 5. I'm sick to ... ... of this. If they ask me to work on Saturday morning again, I'm quitting the job.​
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Ответ дал: anastsiadonets2005


Will you please stop interrupting? You're driving me crazy.

Will you shut up? You're really getting on my nerves.

I've had just about enough of this. My train has been late every day this week.

Right, that's the last straw. The food was cold, the wine was warm, and now they've got the bill wrong. I'm going to call the manager and complain.

I'm sick to death of this. If they ask me to work on Saturday morning again, I'm quitting the job.

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