a Change the sentences. My mum drinks tea. I drink tea. I go to the cinema. She 1 2 We live in a flat. He 3 She has two children. They. 4 My dad doesn't like cold weather. 1. 5 The shops close at 5.30. The supermarket. 6 We don't study French. My sister 7 My husband does housework. I 8 I want a guitar. My son. 9 I don't work on Saturdays. My friend 10 The programme finishes at 5.00. Our lessons.​


Ответ дал: lubovabdualieva


She goes to the cinema. He lives in a flat. They have two children. I don't like cold weather. The supermarket closes at 5.30. My sister doesn't study French. I do housework. My son wants a guitar. My friend doesn't work on Saturdays. Our lessons finish st 5.00.


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