ty ic 5 Use ONE word, or TWO words with a contraction, in each gap to complete the sentences. 0 There aren't many sweets left in the bag - only two. 1 I never go to the swimming pool - I can't swim! 2 There aren't we need to buy some more. 3 1 week. 4 I think hip-hop is much than pop. 5 Ruby crisps for everyone - lucky girl! some exercise every day last 18 interesting £10 in the street yesterday - 6 Laura had an argument with Mark so she talking to him at the moment. 7 Colin never does any work and never helps his parents - he's the person I know!​



Ответ дал: lilegorodnikovoj



2.  enough/ many

3. did

4. more

5. found

6. isn't

7. laziest


эти слова вставь вставь в пропуски в предложениях

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