B Circle the correct words!
Sam's father left his mother. Sam's worried that she'll I 4 A lot of my friends keep a diary / a secret; they write
fall to pieces/ in love.
in it every day.
2 I have a lot of sympathy / families for children of
divorced parents.
3 My grandmother's house is near here; let's go and
pay her a compliment / a visit.
My sister is getting married / divorced at the end of
the month - she's having a traditional wedding.
Do you plan to have sympathy/ a family when you
grow up? I want a big one with five children!
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Даю 15 балов!!!


Ответ дал: artemchik1032


1.Sam's worried that she'll fall to pieces.

2.I have a lot of sympathy for children of divorced parents.

3.My grandmother's house is near here; let's go and pay her a visit.

4.My sister is getting married at the end of the month - she's having a traditional wedding.

5.Do you plan to have a family when you grow up? I want a big one with five children!


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