14.3 Rewrite the sentences without using the underlined words and phrases. Keep a similar meaning. 1 My parents are dead now. 2. It was hard but finally I did it. 3 She's approximately my age. 4 They're almost thirty now. 5 Lhad to do what my parents wanted. 6 My parents let me stay up and watch TV. 7 My mum looked after me in Scotland. 8 I was able to pass my exams but it wasn't easy 1. 9 I didn't go home until late. 10 Lwas allowed to wear what I liked. 11 I was happy as a child. 12 My grandparents don't work any more. My parents aren? alive now It was hard but, She's They're, My parents were I was. I was. My parents, I had a happy. My grandparents are



Ответ дал: sermalfilms

1. My parents are no longer alive.

2. It was challenging, but I eventually accomplished it.

3. She's roughly around my age.

4. They're nearly thirty at this point.

5. I had to comply with my parents' wishes.

6. My parents granted me permission to stay up and watch TV.

7. My mother took care of me in Scotland.

8. Passing my exams was achievable, but it wasn't easy.

9. I didn't return home until late.

10. I had the freedom to wear whatever I wanted.

11. I experienced happiness during my childhood.

12. My grandparents have retired.

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