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Ответ дал: Davinchii



1. The new MINI is made by BMW.

2. Gold is sometimes found in this river.

3. Football matches aren't stopped if it rains.

4. A prize is given to the best actor.

5 . In this hotel your bags are taken to your room.

6. Tea is not grown in Scotland.

7. In Japan the classrooms are cleaned by students.

8. Public transport is used by a lot of people.


1. The city of Florence is visited by thousands of people every day.

2. Tennis is played by two or four players.

3. Many products are made in China nowadays.

4. More manga comics are drawn in Japan than in any other country.

5. Sometimes spectacular sunsets are seen in this part of the world.

6. More ice creams are eaten in the summer than in the winter.

7. Kevin asked me if I liked cars that were made in Japan.

8. Fruit that is sold in markets is often fresher than in supermarkets.

Ответ дал: kjj49868


5 .

1. The new MINI is made by BMW.

2. Gold is sometimes found in this river.

3. Football matches are not stopped if it rains.

4. A prize is given to the best actor.

5. Your bags are taken to your room in this hotel.

6. Tea is not grown in Scotland.

7. Classrooms are cleaned by students in Japan.

8. Public transport is used by a lot of people.


1. The city of Florence is visited by thousands of people every day.

2. Tennis is played by two or four players.

3. Many products are made in China nowadays.

4. More manga comics are drawn in Japan than in any other country.

5. Sometimes spectacular sunsets are seen in this part of the world.

6. More ice creams are eaten in the summer than in the winter.

7. Kevin asked me if I like cars that are made in Japan?

8. Fruit that is sold in markets is often fresher than in supermarkets.

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