3* Choose the correct word. 1 A: How many/much sugar do you t in your coffee? B: I don't want any sugar. Just ado little/few milk, please. 2 A: There are a lot of/much eggs in fridge. B: Let's make a little/some cupcakes w them, then! OV 3 A: Is there any/many pasta left o from lunch? B: Not really. There's very little/few le 4 A: Let's make some/any fresh orang juice. B: We can't. There aren't any/mu oranges in the fruit bowl. 5 A: I ordered too much/many pizza. [ you want a slice? B: No thanks. I ate lots of/a few ice crea earlier.​


Ответ дал: gigantera


1A: much B little

2A: a lot of  B some

3A: any B little

4A: some B  any

5A: many B a lots of


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