Present Simple Name: 1. But I 3. We 2. Do you know 6.1 4. It was very good for us, they 5. But I 8.1 7. The time for such questions 10. We 11. 12. 9. A girl with that face always 13. In my room, I 14. 15. It don't care 16. They about that. (not/care) anything about her life? (you/know/ here the last of this week. (leave) 17. But he 18. He 19. You (say) them at all. (not/like) what came to you. (not/know) Result: about her will. (not/know) (have) that kind of money. (not/have) for me? (you/not/care/?) past. (seem) after me? (why/you/ it was this way. (see) you. (tell) in her? (you/not/believe/? in him enough. (not/believ very much for her. (not/care) for that. (not/wish) it, nevertheless. (not/pass) поможіть.​



Ответ дал: mariadenisuk179


3. leave

4. say

5. don't like

6. don't know

7. seem

8. don't know

9. haves

10. don't have

11. Do you not care

12. Why do you always

13. tell

14. Do you not believe

15. doesn't believe

16. don't care

17. doesn't wish

18. doesn't puss

19. see

20. don't make


Стверджувальна форма:

підмет+дієслово(з закінченням -s або -es)

якщо в нас he, she, it то добавляємо -s або -es. Якщо в нас I, you, we, they то пишемо просте дієслово без закінчень.

Питальна форма:


Do-I, you, we, they

Does-he, she, it

Заперечна форма:


veronikapekalska22: дякую
mariadenisuk179: можна кращу відповідь
aminjonergashev18: very good
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