I'm sorry, I can't come tonight. I'm completely (exhausting / exhausted).
We are going in a helicopter? How (exciting / excited)!
Don't show my baby photos to people, Mum! It's so (embarrassing / embarrassed)!
It's okay, it's only me. Don't be (alarming / alarmed).
My sister is so (exciting / excited) because she is going on holiday tomorrow.
I hate long flights. I'm always really (boring / bored).
She looked very (confusing / confused) when I told her we had to change the plan.
John was (fascinating / fascinated) by Mandarin when he first started learning languages.
He decided to study more and now he can speak it fluently.

Аноним: Кину відповідьв телегу мені hahobn


Ответ дал: khavanskamasha


exhausting, exciting, embarrassing, alarmed, excited, bored, confused, fascinated,


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