Complete the text with the correct words. Some letters have been given.

My British Food Adventure

I know british food doesn't have the greatest reputation in the world, but I've just got

back from a week in a lovely English country hotel and we had some really d_______s meals!

We had an early breakfast every day and my dad went for the ____ English! It was s___-s______ and

he had three h_____gs of fried eggs, __k__ beans, and sausage covered in half a bottle of tomato

ketchup! Mum and I only had one r_____ of bacon and a couple of s____s of toast each, and my

sister is a vegetarian, so she just had cereal and fruit. We did a lot of walking during the day,

and the hotel gave us a __c___ lunch to take with us, with sandwiches, __f_ drinks, some fruit -

usually an apple or a banana - and a _____t of crisps. Oh yes, and some __m_-__d_ biscuits.

The british have _e_ about 4.30 in the afternoon, where you drink tea (of course!) and eat small

cakes and __s_u___. Then it was more food again with dinner in the hotel restaurant at 8.30.

Every night there were three __u____, including a starter and a dessert, and my mum and dad

had a bottle of local __y white wine too. Yes, the British do produce wine! My favourite meal was

the chicken curry (not _p___) and the apple _i_ with fresh cream! It was my birthday during the

week and the chef ___e_ me a special birthday cake. Back home now and no surprise- I've put

on a lot of weight-so it's a ___s_ diet before school starts!


Ответ дал: igormacuckiy


My British Food Adventure

I know British food doesn't have the greatest reputation in the world, but I've just got back from a week in a lovely English country hotel, and we had some really delicious meals!

We had an early breakfast every day, and my dad went for the Full English! It was satisfying and he had three helpings of fried eggs, baked beans, and sausage covered in half a bottle of tomato ketchup! Mum and I only had one rasher of bacon and a couple of slices of toast each, and my sister is a vegetarian, so she just had cereal and fruit. We did a lot of walking during the day, and the hotel gave us a packed lunch to take with us, with sandwiches, soft drinks, some fruit - usually an apple or a banana - and a packet of crisps. Oh yes, and some home-made biscuits.

The British have tea about 4.30 in the afternoon, where you drink tea (of course!) and eat small cakes and sandwiches. Then it was more food again with dinner in the hotel restaurant at 8.30. Every night there were three courses, including a starter and a dessert, and my mum and dad had a bottle of local dry white wine too. Yes, the British do produce wine! My favourite meal was the chicken curry (not too spicy) and the apple pie with fresh cream! It was my birthday during the week, and the chef made me a special birthday cake. Back home now and no surprise - I've put on a lot of weight - so it's a strict diet before school starts!


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