Complete the sentences with one word in each gap.
Harry usually study for his exams?
do you go swimming?' Twice a week.'
chairs left. I'm sorry!
1 Where
There aren't
4 Lucy is at home today. She's not
These days I'm
6 You don't
very well.
part-time as a sports instructor
to do it if you don't want to.
5. Choose the correct answers A-C. Пжжжжж помогите


finntee228: Sure, here are the completed sentences with one word in each gap:

1. Where **does** Harry usually study for his exams?
2. 'How **often** do you go swimming?' Twice a week.'
3. There aren't **any** chairs left. I'm sorry!
4. Lucy is at home today. She's not **at work**.
5. These days I'm **quite** busy.
6. You don't **have** to do it if you don't want to.


Ответ дал: finntee228
Complete the sentences with one word in each gap.
Harry usually study for his exams?
do you go swimming?' Twice a week.'
chairs left. I'm sorry!
1 Where
There aren't
4 Lucy is at home today. She's not
These days I'm
6 You don't
very well.
part-time as a sports instructor
to do it if you don't want to.
5. Choose the correct answers A-C.
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