8. Pass me ... phone, please.
a) I b) my c) mine
9. We... hot weather in summer.
a) enjoy b) are enjoying c) enjoying
10. I never ... milk.
a) drink b) drinks c) am drinking
11. Look! The cat... a mouse.
a) chase b) chases c) is shasing
12. Jack... from the USA.
a) is coming b) is going to come c) comes 13. We haven't seen him ... two years.
a) since b) for c) yet
14. When ... this photo?
a) did he make b) has he made c) have he made
15. The weather ... recently.
a) changed b) has changed c) have changed
16. The train arrived.....
a) five minutes ago b) just c) recently​


Ответ дал: finntee228
Here are the correct answers:

8. Pass me **my** phone, please.
9. We **enjoy** hot weather in summer.
10. I never **drink** milk.
11. Look! The cat **is chasing** a mouse.
12. Jack **comes** from the USA.
13. We haven't seen him **for** two years.
14. When **did he make** this photo?
15. The weather **has changed** recently.
16. The train arrived **just**.
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