3 Put in the correct prepositions and rewrite the sentences using There is/are.
O. The rug is between the doll and palette.
There is a rug between the doll and palette.
1. The radio is
the shelf.
2. The ball is
3. The shoes are
4. The plant is
5. The rug is
6. The pencil, book and lamp are
7. The book is
8. The lamp is
9. The picture is
10. The teddy bear is
11. The books are
12. The shelves are
13. The window is
the pot.
the desk and the bed.
the desk.
the bed.
the wall.
the pencil and lamp.
the book.
the bed.
the shelves.
the bed.
the picture.
the desk.



Ответ дал: marymnmnnn39
1. The radio is on the shelf
2. The ball is between the desk and the bed
3. The shoes are under the desk
4. The plant is in the pot
5. The rug is near or next to the bed
6. The pencil, book and lamp are on the desk
7. The book is between the pencil and lamp
8. The lamp is near or next to the book
9. The picture is on the wall
10. The teddy bear is on the bed
11. The books are on the shelves
12. The shelves are above the bed
13. The window is near or next to the picture
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