Побудуй самостійно 3 розповідних речення, так само зроби з них запитальне та заперечне.
дайте ответ)​


Ответ дал: abonte

1. Jane has been writing an article for 3 hours.

  • Has Jane been writing an article for 3 hours?
  • Jane hasn't been writing an article for 3 hours.

2. They will be giving a concert at 9 o'clock tomorrow.

  • Will they be giving a concert at 9 o'clock tomorrow?
  • They won't be giving a concert at 9 o'clock tomorrow.

3. We had read the book by Wednesday.

  • Had we read the book by Wednesday?
  • We hadn't read the book by Wednesday.
Ответ дал: dulzura

1. My friend watches TV every evening. Does my friend watch TV every evening? My friend doesn't watch TV every evening.

2. My mother drives me to school every day. Does my mother drive me to school every day? My mother doesn't drive me to school every day.

3. My dad plays tennis with me on Sundays. Does my dad play tennis with me on Saturdays? My dad doesn't play tennis with me on Saturdays.

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