помогите пожалуйста, фигню всякую не пишите Ex.4 A,B​



Ответ дал: tkashley06


1. A test, an exam

2. The hospital, at home

3. A walk

4. A new house, flat

5. Zero article (-)

6. A film, a documentary, a quiz show

7. Surf the Net

8. A new car, dress, handbag

9. A pair of jeans, trousers, shoes, sunglasses, glasses.

10. A movie, sequel to

11. A nap; stay in bed (-)

12. (-)

13. An house, a birthday party

14. To the wedding of a friend, an acquaintance

15. The club

16. A blind date

17. The cinema

18. A trip, of the town, the weekend away

19. A day off

20. (-)

21. (-), an old friend

22. A drive, a walk, in the countryside

23. A haircut, a perm

24. An amusement park, a theme park

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