Fill the gaps with the given tenses. Choose Present Simple, Present Continuous, Present Perfect. Past Simple. 1. They 2. Why 3. Jill (never/see) such a wonderful plant! 4. They 5. 6. How many cigarettes 7.-Where -She have never been (behever) to Capri before. (you/smell) your cheese cake? Has it gone off? (water) flowers once a week. Look! She (plant) a new bush in the garden. I 8. 9. They 10. I fiction? (fit) a new picture on the wall now. They (win) it in an auction. (you/be) on holidays? You look so suntanned! (you/smoke) today? (you/smoke) a day? How many cigarettes (be) Camilla? I can't find her anywhere. (smoke) outside. (you/come) to George's party tonight? It's going to be fun! (not/eat) meat since 2010. (not/see) this movie yet. (belt) science​


Ответ дал: sofikon16

They have never seen such a wonderful plant!

Why are you smelling your cheese cake? Has it gone off?

Jill has never seen such a wonderful plant!

They water flowers once a week.

Look! She is planting a new bush in the garden.

How many cigarettes do you smoke a day?

-Where have you been on holidays? You look so suntanned!

I am fitting a new picture on the wall now.

They won it in an auction.

I haven't eaten meat since 2010.

I haven't seen this movie yet.

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