5. a) Name the tense and write the negative form for each sentence below.
a) I like doing English homework. I don't like doing English homework. (present simple)
b) I'm reading a good book at the moment. c) I'll probably go to the cinema tonight. d) I went out last weekend.
e) I've been to China.
f) I can play the guitar.
g) I was watching TV at 6 p. m. yesterday.​


Ответ дал: ssirois

Here are the sentences with their respective tenses and negative forms:

a) Present Simple:

Positive: I like doing English homework.

Negative: I don't like doing English homework.

b) Present Continuous:

Positive: I'm reading a good book at the moment.

Negative: I'm not reading a good book at the moment.

c) Future Simple:

Positive: I'll probably go to the cinema tonight.

Negative: I probably won't go to the cinema tonight.

d) Past Simple:

Positive: I went out last weekend.

Negative: I didn't go out last weekend.

e) Present Perfect:

Positive: I've been to China.

Negative: I haven't been to China.

f) Modal Verb "Can":

Positive: I can play the guitar.

Negative: I can't play the guitar.

g) Past Continuous:

Positive: I was watching TV at 6 p.m. yesterday.

Negative: I wasn't watching TV at 6 p.m. yesterday.

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