Discribe a landscape KZ (100 слов)​


Ответ дал: nichoho


In spring, everything blooms, turns green, and birds sing songs about the beauty of this riot. Everything is covered with a green haze, and the trees seem to have been poured with milk. The gardens are smiling in white and pink. Everything is blooming, raising its green heads to the sun, and over the road, sprawling chestnuts stand in a milky noise.

I am walking through a field, and there are many flowers. Flowers are bright, joyful, lush. The breeze sways them, they shake their heads and beckon to me. The greenery is fresh and clean. Sometimes I stop at the edge of the forest and listen to birds singing. Each bird praises spring, and each praises it in its own voice. Sometimes it is not very pleasant, but in spring everything seems to be the best. All the birds have already flown away, and until the chicks appear and the worries begin, they entertain themselves by singing.

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