1. English private schools have a long tradition of sport,..... 2. Leadership Day isn't celebrated in our schools,....? 3. American pupils celebrated Read Across America last March,..... 4. You haven't had two Spelling Bee contests in your school this year,..... 5. Jack will tell us about his experience,.....? 6. She was getting ready for Thanksgiving Day,..... ? ​


Ответ дал: icanfixthat

1. English private schools have a long tradition of sport, don't they?

2. Leadership Day isn't celebrated in our schools, is it?

3. American pupils celebrated Read Across America last March, didn't they?

4. You haven't had two Spelling Bee contests in your school this year, have you?

5. Jack will tell us about his experience, won't he?

6. She was getting ready for Thanksgiving Day, wasn't she?

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