Martin: Hi Kelly! We're going ice skating this evening. Why don't ye come along, too?

Kelly: Sorry, I can't. I'm having a dance lesson tonight.

Martin: What about Saturday afternoon? Are you busy then?

Kelly: Not really.

Martin: Do you want to come go-karting with us?

Kelly: Sure, why not? What time?

Martin: At four thirty.

Kelly: That's fine. See you there, then. перефразируй замени время имена и ice skating ​


Ответ дал: misterawesomedude9


Martin: Hey Sarah! We're planning to go snowboarding this evening. Why don't you join us as well?

Sarah: I'm sorry, I can't. I have a dance lesson tonight.

Martin: What about Saturday afternoon? Are you occupied then?

Sarah: Not really.

Martin: Would you like to come go-karting with us?

Sarah: Sure, why not? What time?

Martin: At four thirty.

Sarah: That works for me. See you there, then.


буду рад если даш лучший ответ :)

manykinnikita09: спасибо
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