Complete the sentences with question tags. 2)it isn't raining? 3)You've vacuumed the carpet,? 4) I'm not late? 5) I'm invited to your birthday party,? 6) You like doing the shopping,? 7) You'll sew the buttons,? 8) You remembered to feed the cat,? 9) Let's water the flowers,? 10) There's a washing machine here, ? 11) He never rakes Leaves in the garden,? 12) Nobody has shaken out the rugs,?


Ответ дал: Аноним


Isn't it

Have you

am i not

am i

do you like shopping

Will you sew the buttons

did you remember to feed the cat

let's water the flowers

is there a washing machine here

Does he never rakes lives in the garden~

Has nobody shaken out the rugs

semenova35leha120979: Спасибо
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