III. Make sentences with the words. 1. have We got subjects many at school. 2. football I playing like. 3. learn In Geography we mountains countries, about rivers and. 4. with numbers work In Maths we. 5. play In PE different we sports. 6. are in Sports My friends interested. IV. Answer the questions 1. What is your favourite sport? 2. What sports do you do in summer? 3. Are you a good swimmer? 4. Do you watch sports on TV?


Ответ дал: Errorbi



1. We have got many subjects at school.

2. I like playing football.

3. In geography we learn about rivers, mountains and countries.

4. In math we work with numbers

5. In PE we play different sports

6. My friends are interested in sports.


1. My favourite sport is basketball.

2. In summer I play basketball and tennis, also i like playing football.

3. Yes, I'm very keen on swimming.

4. No, for me it's kinda boring.

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