Speaking Answer the questions using first conditional:
1. What will you do if you lose your key?
2. What will you do if you finish your homework early tonight?
3. Where will you go if you go hurt your leg? 4. What will you buy if you go shopping with you parents?
Use probably and definitely and give the answer:
5. Will you travel into space if you have the opportunity?
6. Will humans live on other planets in the future?
8. Will humans become more friendly or meaner?
Пожалуйста внимательно читайте внимательно задание, ответы как можно короче чтобы легче было выучить.​


Ответ дал: rsarsenbek123


1. I will probably look for my spare key if I lose my key.

2. If I finish my homework early tonight, I will definitely relax and watch TV.

3. If I hurt my leg, I will probably go to the hospital.

4. If I go shopping with my parents, I will definitely buy some groceries.

5. I will definitely travel into space if I have the opportunity.

6. Humans will probably live on other planets in the future.

7. It's uncertain whether humans will become more friendly or meaner.

Ответ дал: CaMyPai

1. New Key for the Local


2. Homework Early & Family Time!

3. Check Out My Leg & Get Treatment

4. Something I've Been Wanting/Needed for a

Long Time

5. Space Travel? An Interesting Possibility

6. Humans Will Live on Other Planets in Future

7.❤ Humans Becoming More Friendly & Compassionate

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