GRAMMAR 1 Complete the sentences. Example: Franco phoned me five minutes ago. 1 A Do you think it's to snow tomorrow? B Yes, it's very cold. 2 A 3 4 B Yes, it was great. you have a good time at the party last night? A Is this Luke's bag? B No, it isn't is a lot of cheese in the fridge. 5 6 My mum is taller 7 A My daughter wants to be 10 I'm 11 A B Yes, orange juice, please. 8 It's very foggy here 9 She 12 We it's mine. my dad. you like something to drink? winter. sing but she can't play the accordion. to give my aunt some flowers for her birthday. David and Zoe at school today? B Yes, they're in Jane's class. architect. 13 A Is that film good? BI don't know. I on holiday to Spain last year. seen it. front of the restaurant at 8 o'clock. 14 Let's meet 15 A What do you like doing on Saturday evenings? BI like TV with my sister. 16 A Do you like my new phone? BI love​



Ответ дал: lyana775
1) going
2) Did
3) There
4) his
5) an
6) than
7) Would
8) in
9) can
10) going
11) Are
12) were
13) haven’t
14) in
15) watching
16) it
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