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Ответ дал: sidenkoaleksei28

Ответ:1.Does the sun rise in the East?
Does the sun rise in the East,isn't it?
The sun doesn't rise in the East

2.Does he get up at 7 o'çlock?
Does he play tennis every day?
Does he get up at 7 o'clock,isn't he?
Does he play tennis every day,isn't he?
He doesn't get up at 7 o'clock
He doesn't play tennis every day

3.Does she look like her mom?
Do you know his name?
Does she look like her mom, isn't she?
Do you know his name,isn't you?
She doesn't look like her mom
He doesn't know his name

4.Does Bob pass the ball to Johnson?
Does Bob pass the ball to Johnson,isn't he?
Bob doesn't pass tha ball to Johnson

5.Is it windy today?
Is it windy today,isn't it?
It isn't windy today

6.is Tom's birthday tomorrow?
Is Tom's birthday tomorrow,isn't it?
Tomorrow isn't Tom's birthday

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