3 *** Write sentences about family and friends in other countries using the correct form of have got. I've got a penfriend in Brazil. My father has got a cousin in Australia. My parents have got a friend in New York.. 2 My mother 3 My father 4 My parents 5 My friend 6 My cousins​


Ответ дал: inchigo


My mother has got a sister in France.

My father has got a brother in Turkey.

My parents have got relatives in Russia.

My friend has got a mother in Kazakhstan.

My cousins have got a father in Canada.


если правильно поняла вопрос то вот.

a7472317528: Спасибо
Hoskfbslcbel: Спасибо
Hoskfbslcbel: Правильно?
a7472317528: Да
agdydvshdug666: Параркив
agdydvshdug666: Спасибо
z98126011: правильно?!
a7472317528: Да
sattykz: а где 1 I
a7472317528: Дам помойму есть я не помню я давно это делала
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