Choose the correct sentence in each pair.

a Tomorrow we are going to the beach.

b Tomorrow we go to the beach.

a I'm going to visit Paris next year. b I'm going visit Paris next year.

a We are excited because next Saturday we have a party!

b We are excited because next Saturday we are having a party!

a Next weekend we are going to have a picnic. b Next weekend we have a picnic.

a Next Saturday my family and I are going to a picnic.

b Next Saturday my family and I going to
a picnic.​


Ответ дал: adinalol17
Here are the correct sentences in each pair:

1. a Tomorrow we are going to the beach.

2. a I'm going to visit Paris next year.

3. b We are excited because next Saturday we are having a party!

4. a Next weekend we are going to have a picnic.

5. a Next Saturday my family and I are going to a picnic.
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