Помогите пожалуйста!!!! Нужно срочно!!!!
4 Complete the article with the correct form of the words in the box. hand make (x2). pass catch fail fall pay resit skip . . Learn and earn! Today we are focusing on Longdendale High School in Cheshire, UK. There are a lot of rules, but most students love it there. The school rewards students with an electronic point system called 'VivoClass'. This encourages students to (a). a special effort to attend 100% of their classes and to (b). in their homework on time in order to get points. They have to (c). attention because the homework is always related to what they are studying in the lesson. They get electronic points called 'Vivos' if they (d).. good academic behind, a progress. If a student (e). teacher helps him or her to (f). up quickly. Also, if a student (g). an exam the first time, he or she can go to the Homework Club to revise. This helps them get a higher mark when they (h). ...... the same exam. Students can spend Vivos in an online shop, save or donate them. They don't (1).. lessons on purpose because they lose points. Other benefits include a positive letter home to their parents, prizes and reward trips. This system works! Most students at Longdendale (j).. national exams with good marks.​



Ответ дал: dianalitvinenko757


хаххвхвхвхаххвха, сколько баллов даёшь?) помогу

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