✰✰ Complete each sentence with two to five words, including the word in bold. 1 I don't think it's a good idea to buy that. (WERE) If I were you, i wouldn't buy that. 2 If you don't save your documents, you may lose your work. (UNLESS) You may lose your work **** your documents. 3 I don't have enough money for a smartphone. (ONLY) ( If ...... enough money for a smartphone! 4 Please don't use my tablet. (WISH) I ....... my tablet. 5 It's a pity you forgot your password. tuin (ONLY) If .... your password. 6 I didn't call because I didn't have your number. (WOULD) If I had had ... called.​


Ответ дал: dffd1111ddd

If I were you, I wouldn't buy that.

You may lose your work unless you save your documents.

If only I had enough money for a smartphone!

I wish you wouldn't use my tablet.

If only you hadn't forgotten your password.

If I had had your number, I would have called.

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